Back to School Time!

     August means back to school is upon us.  With area schools either already in session or getting ready to kick back up, it's time to get yourself and your children ready to get back in the routine. 

     Getting up and getting going in the morning is probably one of the most difficult challenges of school.  Even when you're locked into a routine in the middle of year -- it's still hard sometimes to drag the kids out of bed.  Mornings in my house can be nightmarish, so in writing this article I was researching help for myself first and foremost!  The first step to a good morning -- is a good night.  Did you know that the amount of sleep your child needs is far greater than you?  While most adults function pretty well on 6 - 7 hours of sleep a night, young children can need 12 - 14?  Most elementary school students should be getting at least 10.  The older kids (teenagers) might do okay on 8 or 9, but for most children -- MORE than 10 is required.  So start them off several days to weeks before school with earlier bedtimes.  Get them used to going to bed early and getting up earlier so the first days of school aren't so hard.
     References:  1.                         
    Also, we try to minimize the morning rush by laying things out the night before.  We try to pick out the next day's clothes and have them ready to go.  I include my older child in this process as much as possible (she's nine and has very distinct ideas about what to wear!), but not my younger child as much (he's six and would literally wear a garbage bag out of the house if he got such a notion to do so).  We also get as much of the lunch set aside or packed as we can.

     If you're a busy parent, like me, one of the most challenging parts of getting ready for school each day can be preparing a healthy lunch.  Thankfully, most schools have seen the need to offer students healthier choices, and school lunches are better than ever.  Some of us, though, still like the reassurance of sending our kids to school with the things we've packed ourselves.  I like to send lunch with my kids and save ordering lunch for a "special treat."  With all the new options for lunch containers these days, there are an abundance of ways to fill your child's lunch bag with a bevvy of healthy choices.

     The trick is -- what to fill them with.  Fortunately -- we have help with that, too.  Many magazines and websites are offering great ideas for healthy kid lunches.  Here are a few of our favorites:

school lunch
Parents Magazine has some great ideas -- utilizing one of those neato mosquito lunch container options I was telling you about earlier.

School Lunches
Lots of helpful information and ideas on

Neat stuff at
young girl enjoying her school lunch
Good Housekeeping  --

     The next big thing to remember is have your child's yearly check-ups done.  If they need vaccinations this year, get them scheduled and completed before going back to school.  Many schools require current "blue slips" or vaccination records before the child can begin the school year.  If you are unsure of your child's needs, check with your doctor or look here:  for children birth - 6 years or for children 7 - 18 years.  

     Remember, no amount of preparation can ward off accidents, so be ready if they occur.  Have your pediatricians' phone number handy for minor things that don't require an ER visit.  In the event an ER visit, remember, children are resilient   They can bounce back from a lot more than us "older folk".  Make sure you keep them eating healthy and their bodies will recover quickly.

     Most importantly, enjoy the school days while they last.  All too soon our babies will be grown and out of the house and we will wish we had the time back.